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Why Safety matters when Baling Cardboard?

Safety in the workplace is something most of us take for granted. We arrive everyday to work, carryout our duties and go home at the end of the day. However, this has not always been the case, and is still unfortunately not always the case. Some People don’t get to go home after their days work due to workplace accidents resulting in fatal and life changing injuries.

In the USA between the years 1986 and 2002, 29 Horizontal Cardboard Operators did not make it home. Why? According to (Taylor, 2002) these 29 fatalities were due to operators having to enter the bale chamber to unjam blockages in the hopper. Or as (Mick, 2005) stated “Balers often become jammed while the baling process is occurring, and the only way to remove the jam is manually. This requires an employee to place a limb of their body into the jamming area and remove the material that is causing the jam.”

Thankfully in the intervening years health and safety of horizontal balers has improved immensely. At Moovmor we have played our part in ensuring all of our HX Range of Semi Auto Cardboard Balers are designed and manufactured to the latest standards. Safety starts with the initial design. Design a cardboard baler that does not require operatives to climb into or onto the baler to unblock the chamber. Secondly proper training and instruction on the safe use of the cardboard baler, and thirdly regular maintenance of the baler. All these measures ensure that the operators stay safe and go home every day.

At Moovmor we have not had any fatalities involving our HX Semi Auto Cardboard Baler Range. Operator Safety is our number one priority and is considered at every stage of our machine design. Improvements are made on a continuous basis, utilising the latest in design and equipment technology to keep EVERYONE that uses a Moovmor safe.


Moovmor making sure EVERYONE goes home. 


Mick, T. A. (2005). Recycling baler material properties for safer baler operation. West Virginia University.

Taylor, Brian [2002]. “Paper Recycling Supplement-Clean and Healthy,” Recycling Today, October.

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